Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)|BNCC361199 |BNCC

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Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)-BNCC
  • Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)-BNCC
  • Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)-BNCC

Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)

  • Price: $172
  • number:BNCC361199
  • Packing:Frozen storage tube; 25T;4 tubes/box
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Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)
Subculture procedure Sample processing: sample processing shall be carried out according to GB/T 4789.5-2003 Shigella Detection in Food; Experimental preparation: the various components in the kit are used to dissolve on ice, slightly mixed and briefly centrifuged, and then placed on ice for later use; Reagent preparation: experimental reaction system (25 μL),qPCR mixed reaction solution 15 μL, template 1 μL, sterile ddH2O 9 μL (when the diluted bacteria solution is used as a template to add 10 μL); Reaction conditions: 95 ℃ 1min 1cycle;95 ℃ 10s, 52 ℃ 30s 40cycle (when diluted bacteria liquid is used as template for the first step reaction for 3min); Fluorescence channel: FAM;
Storage conditions -20 ℃; Keep away from light
Safety level 0
application It is suitable for the auxiliary diagnosis of Shigella infection in water-like feces, suspected contaminated water, food and other samples.
Sharing mode Public welfare sharing

Shigella nucleic acid test kit certificate

1. Product information

Sample name: Shigella nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)

Sample number:  361199

Sample batch: 220402

2. Product features

Reagent composition reaction solution 375μL/tube, sterile ddH2O 1mL/tube, positive quality control 25μL/tube, negative quality control 25μL/tube
traceability Shigella ATCC12022, Escherichia coli ATCC25922
save and transport -20 ℃, valid for 1 year, dry ice transportation
applicable fields Suitable for auxiliary diagnosis of Shigella infection in water-like feces, suspected contaminated water, food and other samples
*Note: If you have any questions about this kit, please contact our center (BNCC) for help before use

3. Instructions

Sample processing: sample processing according toGB/T 4789.5-2003 Shigella in Food;

Experiment preparation: Dissolve the various components in the kit on ice before use, mix gently and centrifuge briefly, then place on ice for later use;

Reagent preparation: experimental reaction system (25 μL), 15 μL qPCR mixed reaction solution, 1 μL template, 9 μL sterile ddH2O (10 μL when using diluted bacterial solution as template);

Reaction conditions: 95°C 1min 1cycle; 95°C 10s, 52°C 30s 40cycles (when the diluted bacterial solution is used as the template for the first step reaction for 3min);

Fluorescence channel: FAM;

4. Precautions

Negative: The sample has no exponential growth curve, or has a lower amplification curve, and the Ct value is >35;

Positive: The sample has a typical exponential growth curve, and the Ct value is ≤35;

5. Preservation and transportation

1. Dissolve the various components in the kit on ice before use, mix thoroughly and centrifuge briefly and place on ice for later use;

2. In order to ensure the sensitivity of the detection, it is recommended that the qPCR mixed reaction solution be frozen and thawed no more than 3 times;

3. Sample processing, reagent preparation, and sample addition should be carried out in different areas to avoid cross-contamination;

Henan Engineering Research Center of Industrial Microbiology

Website: www.bncc .org .cn Tel: 400-6699-833

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