C58C1 Chemically Competent Cell|BNCC356374 |BNCC

BeNa Culture Collection

  • C58C1 Chemically Competent Cell-BNCC

C58C1 Chemically Competent Cell

  • Price: $43
  • number:BNCC356374
  • freeze dried
    Freeze-dried: lyophilized strain, freeze dried vial, used up at one time and not be retained
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C58C1 Chemically Competent Cell
Culture medium LB + 20mcg/ml streptomycin: LB + 20mcg/ml streptomycin: yeast extract 5.0g, peptone 10.0g,NaCl 10.0g, distilled water 1.0L,pH 7.0. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min. After sterilization, streptomycin was added when the culture medium was cooled to 40-50 ℃ with a concentration of 20mcg/ml.
Subculture procedure (1) Prepare a test tube containing 5~10mL of liquid medium and 2 plates; (2) Open it in the safety cabinet, heat the tip of ampoule in a flame, quickly drop sterile water to creak it, then break it with forceps; (3) draw 0.5mL of liquid culture medium into a freeze dried ampoule, fully rehydrate and transfer the solution to the liquid test tube, mix evenly; (4) inoculate a plate with 0.2mL of suspension liquid, repeat the step to obtain two plates; ⑤ Put all the liquid test tubes and plates under the above culture conditions for cultivation, and the strains can be used when they grow.
Growth conditions 37 ℃;18-24h; Aerobic;
Storage conditions 2-8 ℃
application Agrobacterium rhizogenes is a genus of the Rhizobium family (Rhizobiaceae) (agrobacterium) a gram-negative soil bacterium that can infect most Several dicots and a few monocots and individual gymnosperms. C58C1 hairy roots Agrobacterium strains containing pRiA4b agrobase type Ri plasmid with a wide range of hosts (Rosaceae, Apocynaceae, Leguminosae, Solanaceae, Scutellaria, Tobacco, etc.), Streptomycin, rifampicin resistant.
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