Adenovirus type 41 (ADV41) nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)|BNCC361556 |BNCC

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Adenovirus type 41 (ADV41) nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)-BNCC
  • Adenovirus type 41 (ADV41) nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)-BNCC
  • Adenovirus type 41 (ADV41) nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)-BNCC

Adenovirus type 41 (ADV41) nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)

  • Price: $258
  • number:BNCC361556
  • Packing:Frozen storage tube; 15T;3 tubes/box
Essential Information Certificate Related Products
Adenovirus type 41 (ADV41) nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)
Culture medium EMEM complete medium (containing 2% FBS):98% EMEM + 2% FBS
Subculture procedure Experimental preparation: the various components in the kit are used to dissolve on ice, slightly mixed and briefly centrifuged, and then placed on ice for later use; Experimental reaction system (25 μL):qPCR mixed reaction solution 17 μL, template 2 μL, sterile ddH2O to 25 μL; Experimental reaction conditions: the first step is 95 ℃ for 1min, the second step is 95 ℃ for 10s, the third step is 60 ℃ for 30s, and the second to third steps are cycled 40 times; Fluorescence channel: FAM.
Growth conditions Culture temperature 37 ℃; Culture time 5 days; Gas environment 5% CO2 + 95% air;
Storage conditions -20 ℃, kept away from light
Safety level 1
application It is used to use fluorescent PCR technology to carry out specific in vitro amplification research and detection of human adenovirus type 41 DNA, which cannot be used for clinical diagnosis of diseases.
Sharing mode Public welfare sharing

Certificate of Human Adenovirus Type 41 Nucleic Acid Detection Kit

1. Product information

Sample name: human adenovirus type 41 nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method)

Sample number: 361556

Sample batch: 220513

2. Product features

Reagent composition 1 tube (240 μL) of qPCR mixed reaction solution; 1 tube (50 μL) of positive quality control material; 1 tube (200 μL) of sterile ddH2O
Packing specifications 15 T/box Sensitivity 30copies/μL
Field of application It is suitable for the detection of human adenovirus type 41 in vitro amplification research and cannot be used for the diagnosis of clinical diseases
Save and transport -20 ℃, valid for 1 year, dry ice transportation
*Note: If you have any questions about this kit, please contact our center (BNCC) for help before use

3. Instruction

Experiment preparation: Dissolve the various components in the kit on ice before use, mix gently and centrifuge briefly, then place on ice for later use;

Experimental reaction system (25 μL): 17 μL qPCR mixed reaction solution, 2 μL template, and sterile ddH2O to make up to 25 μL;

Experimental reaction conditions: the first step is 95℃ for 1min, the second step is 95℃ for 10s, the third step is 60℃ for 30s, and the second to third steps are cycled 40 times; Fluorescence channel: FAM.

4. Result judgment

Negative: no exponential growth curve, or a lower growth curve and a Ct value >35;

Positive: There is an obvious exponential growth curve, and the Ct value is ≤35.

5. Notes

1. Dissolve the various components in the kit on ice before use, mix thoroughly and centrifuge briefly and place on ice for later use;

2. In order to ensure the sensitivity of the detection, it is recommended that the qPCR mixed reaction solution be frozen and thawed no more than 3 times;

3. Sample processing, reagent preparation, and sample addition should be carried out in different areas to avoid cross-contamination.

Henan Engineering Technology Research Center of Industrial Microbial Strain

website: tel: 400-6699-833


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