Kitasatospora griseola|BNCC153571 |BNCC

BeNa Culture Collection

Kitasatospora griseola-BNCC
  • BNCC
  • Kitasatospora griseola-BNCC

Kitasatospora griseola

  • Price: $ 172
  • number:BNCC153571
  • Form:
    The intrasital hyphae are well developed and do not break, and there are often more than 31 spore chains on the basal filaments and gas filaments.
Standard strain Quantitative strain DNA extraction
  • freeze dried
    Freeze-dried: lyophilized strain, freeze dried vial, used up at one time and not be retained
  • agar slant
    Agar slant: growing culture, ready to use, Short term preservation, convenient access
Essential Information Related Products
Kitasatospora griseola
Culture medium Streptomyces medium No. 2 (ISP-2): yeast powder 4.0g, malt powder 10.0g, glucose 4.0g, agar 20.0g,pH 7.2±0.2. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min.
Subculture procedure (1) Prepare 1-2 pieces of the plate; (2) sterilize the surface of the plate and open it in biosafety cabinet; (3) Absorb 1-3ml of sterile water into the plate, scrape the bacterial lawn back and forth on the surface of the plate with a sterile spreader to make a bacterial suspension; (4) suck the bacteria suspension with a pasteur pipette, dispense it into a fresh plate  evenly. (5) put the plates under the growth conditions.
Growth conditions 28 ℃,24-48h, aerobic
Storage conditions 2-8 ℃
morphology The intrasital hyphae are well developed and do not break, and there are often more than 31 spore chains on the basal filaments and gas filaments.
Separation substrate Soil
application Type strain; setamycine generation
Sharing mode Public welfare sharing
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