Penicillium goetzii|BNCC144473 |BNCC

BeNa Culture Collection

Penicillium goetzii-BNCC
  • BNCC
  • Penicillium goetzii-BNCC

Penicillium goetzii

  • Price: $ 143
  • number:BNCC144473
  • Form:
    Small filamentous fungus, with obvious colonies on Cha's agar medium, white hyphae at the initial stage, dense and vigorous, and green spores later. Plates overgrown.
Standard strain Quantitative strain DNA extraction
  • freeze dried
    Freeze-dried: lyophilized strain, freeze dried vial, used up at one time and not be retained
  • agar slant
    Agar slant: growing culture, ready to use, Short term preservation, convenient access
Essential Information Related Products
Penicillium goetzii
Culture medium CDA: 3g of sodium nitrate, 1g of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, 0.5g of magnesium sulfate, 0.5g of potassium chloride, 0.01g of ferrous sulfate, 30g of sucrose, 15g of agar, 1.0L of distilled water and 6.2±0.2 of pH. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min.
Subculture procedure (1) Prepare a test tube containing 5~10mL of liquid medium and 2 plates; (2) Open it in the safety cabinet, heat the tip of ampoule in a flame, quickly drop sterile water to creak it, then break it with forceps; (3) draw 0.5mL of liquid culture medium into a freeze dried ampoule, fully rehydrate and transfer the solution to the liquid test tube, mix evenly; (4) inoculate a plate with 0.2mL of suspension liquid, repeat the step to obtain two plates; ⑤ Put all the liquid test tubes and plates under the above culture conditions for cultivation, and the strains can be used when they grow.
Growth conditions 28 ℃;5-7 days; Aerobic;
Storage conditions 2-8 ℃
morphology Small filamentous fungus, with obvious colonies on Cha's agar medium, white hyphae at the initial stage, dense and vigorous, and green spores later. Plates overgrown.
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